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Purchasing your first condominium in Toronto or surrounding areas is a fun and exciting process, especially for first time buyers. Consider making the your leap into your new home a smooth process; The following, are some key tips to mull over, before and after you have closed and taken possession of your new home.
Tip #1
Talk to the condo association and use this as an opportunity to introduce yourself, ask if there are specific loading/unloading zones for your moving truck, and/or any other details you should know before your move-in day. You will also want to obtain a copy of the homeowner’s rules for your new community. Make sure you read and review these to ensure you follow all of the community guidelines and requirements. Further, this documentation will usually contain important information about parking, accessibility, using public shared amenities, and making upgrades/changes to your new home.
Tip # 2
Pick up moving boxes and related packing material once you have a firm closing date. It never hurts to start packing sooner, rather than putting it off until the last minute. Take time to label your boxes with a summary of the contents and where the box should be unloaded in your new condo.
Tip # 3
Depending on your move-in schedule, it’s always a good idea to clean your entire condo before you move in, if possible. Quite simply put….it’s one less headache and a wonderful way to start fresh! If you are unable clean before the move-in day, your other options may either be cleaning the condo while your movers are packing up your old home, or cleaning each room after arriving with the movers before unpacking.
Tip # 4
Remember to notify all of your utility companies to shut off and/or cancel services/supply prior to the actual moving day. These types of organizations often schedule requests two to three weeks in advance. Do not forget to stop by your post office and put in a forwarding order at least a week before you move, in order to give the post office time to process the request. In addition, you will want to make sure you update the address on your driver license, auto insurance, and vehicle registration.
One of the best parts of buying a new home is making it yours. At some point, we all strive to add our own sense of style and décor into a space. For example, one easy way to spruce up your outdoor patio or concrete balcony is with outdoor flooring deck tiles. Before proceeding, you may strongly want to consider obtaining permission from your board or property manager before having anything professionally installed.
To learn more about balcony, terrace, and condominium patio deck tiles and other flooring upgrades, contact the experts at Designer Deck Inc. today at 1.800.398.9263. We look forward to discussing your project in detail, providing inspiration and ideas, supplying you with samples and approximate pricing.