Interlocking Outdoor Tile Toronto

Most condo owners will want to make changes to their unit at some point to give it an updated look and feeling. Installing new cabinets and counter-tops, changing paint colors, and even adding outdoor deck tiles over your cement patio can liven up your home. Before you jump head first, into remodeling your home, the first thing you will want to do is review your condo association’s rules and requirements.

Oftentimes, you will need to get permission to make certain changes to your unit before the work can be completed. This could involve writing up a proposal of the changes and submitting it for approval. Until you have approval do not start any work, otherwise, your association may require you to change things back to how they were, resulting in increased costs and wasted time.

Using a professional contractor is typically the best option if you want exceptional results. When selecting a contractor to complete your remodeling project, use these tips to find the best one:

  1. Create a budget. It is a good idea to have a dollar amount in mind you are willing to invest into the improvements and stick to this as best as possible.
  2. Know ahead of time what work you want done. If you are not entirely sure of what you want a contractor to do, it is harder for them to provide you with an accurate estimate.
  3. Let the contractor know what materials you will provide. For some remodels, you might already know what materials you want to use, for example, the new cabinets you want in your kitchen or the style of deck tiles. Since you are providing the materials, the quote you receive should only include labor and any materials you are not providing.
  4. Ask friends, neighbors, and relatives for referrals. If someone you know completed a similar project and was happy with the work and cost, chances are their contractor could be the ideal candidate for your project.
  5. Choose a contractor with experience in the type of work you want done. There are all sorts of contractors. Some specialize in specific types of work, while others offer more generalized services.
  6. Interview at least three different contractors. You will want to obtain quotes from more than one contractor. Sometimes the first one you meet will end up being the one you choose to do the work, but not always.
  7. Ask for references. Make sure the contractors you interview can provide references you can contact.
  8. Confirm the contractor is licensed and insured. Ask the contractor to provide a copy of their license and insurance during the interview.
  9. Put everything in writing. Make sure all work to be completed is written in a contract. You may want to consult with a lawyer to confirm it is legally binding and even get it notarized.
  10. Never fully pay the contractor in advance. Depending on the costs of materials and whether you are providing them, the contractor should only request between 10 and 30 percent down to get started and provide you with a payment schedule. You should not make the final payment until all work has been completed to your satisfaction.

Following these tips will help you find the best contractor for your condo remodeling project. If you require outdoor deck tiles for your patio, feel free to contact Designer Deck at 905-669-5252. We also offer contractor services for our products to ensure you receive expert installations!